While the last . . . $3.99 each
Many hunters will carry a call to help locate a gobbler. These calls are called "Locator Calls" and they work by making a loud echoing call through the woods. Examples of a locator calls are crow calls, owl calls, coyote calls, hawk calls, goose calls and peacock calls. All of these calls have the same thing in common, they are loud. Once a call is made by the hunter, time is taken to wait for a response from a nearby gobbler. By locating a bird ahead of making hen calls, a hunter has a better chance of choosing a location in which to set-up for the hunt. We have two great Locator Calls at Special Clearance Prices: The Peacock Call and The Barred Owl Hooter. Both are good tools to have in your turkey vest. Good Hunting! Out of Stock
Crystal Friction Call
The Pro Crystal turkey call is a great call for the beginner because it is so easy to learn. This call is compact and it comes with a crystal pot, wood striker and sanding tool. I will make realistic sounds of a hen turkey and tone pitch can vary as you move across the crystal surface.
Buy Several and give kids or new turkey hunters a new tool for calling turkeys.
While the last . . .
$12.99 each
clearance item
Buy Several and give kids or new turkey hunters a new tool for calling turkeys.
While the last . . .
$12.99 each
clearance item